Kids, own project.
Illustrations from the book series about Alma & Egon, Written by Carin Wirsén. Rabén & Sjögren.
Motives for post cards, posters and trays
illustrations from the book series about Ajja & Bajja (Pippa & Boo), written by Elvira Ashby. Hatten Förlag.
Illustration from the rhyming book Tamtarams, written by Elvira Ashby. Hatten Förlag.
Illustration from the book Rulle och raketen, written by Elvira Ashby. Hatten Förlag.
illustrations for breast theme, Kamratposten
Own project.
illustration about not being able to dance in pace, Kamratposten.
Illustrations about frustrating things such as vague answers, having a sweet tooth and fear of spiders, Kamratposten
Illustration about gender and identity, Kamratposten
Illustrations about style and identity, Kamratposten
Illustration for the book Moa älskar Jesse. Micka Andersson, LL-Förlaget
Nobel prize winners in literature
Illustrated scenes from Pölsan by Torgny Lindgren, own project